Chaatak AW'18

चातक | CHAATAK | Cuckoo

Chaatak (Pied Crested Cuckoo) is a migratory bird who has a significant symbolic relevance in Hindu mythology. The bird is known for its unique desire to quench its thirst only through rain water. It is believed that Chaatak refuses to satisfy himself by any other water except rain, even if he is dying with a parched throat. The bird waits for long hours and makes desperate calls till rain comes to shower the ultimate joy of his life and to secure his existence.
Many Saints and Sufi poets have given Chaatak as an example and preached spiritual seekers to have the same longing for God. Like the Chaatak, humans also tend to trap themselves into an unending loop of desires, in an attempt to overcome it.
I feel that the process is similar when the art is created. I interpret every artist as a Chaatak who follows the same journey. A wish for creation transforms an artist into Chaatak who thrives for inspiration for its thirst to express or create. He fails to settle for anything other than his vision and refers to the inner calling and then waits for it to be revealed. Like the Chaatak the artist also experiences the feelings of restlessness, pain, joy and fulfilment. the fulfilment of one desire lead to a new desire. It's a beautiful process where that they themselves become the creator, medium and creation.
This idea inspired me to have a mirrored perspective of my own creative process. The process was challenging as it demanded a fine balance between objectivity and indulgence.
The collection is a mix of Khadi, Merino wool and different weaves of India. The collection is an attempt to relive the process of efforts, suffering and pleasure of the Chaatak. Since the physical appearance plays an important role in the journey, some garments may inherit a resemblance of it. The collection includes different layouts of garments in form of long and short dresses, jackets, drapes, tunics, and capes. The color story is inspired from the physical appearance of the bird Chaatak black, white, grey, beige, brown and hint of gold.
As the title suggests, the collection will touch the core feelings of human nature and intense experiences to present it in a different perspective.

our purpose

VAISHALI S Couture exists to inspire a new approach to fashion that entirely relies on artisanal crafts. Our mission is to bring back the fading skill of hand weaving to a global luxury level and share its immense cultural value and social potential with the world.

About Vaishali Shadangule

Our Founder and creative director, Vaishali Shadangule draws inspiration from her ability to observe and listen while letting her designs speak for themselves. Born in the small town of Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, Vaishali realized her passion at a very young age and has been experimenting with hand­woven textiles and their applications for just over two decades. A creative powerhouse, the designer extends her work with textiles to art and design, infusing it with spontaneity and zest.

More about Vaishali

Design and Luxury

Since our inception, we have directed our active focus entirely upon modernizing traditional hand-woven textile infrastructure, with belief in its ability to ensure sustainability and lessen its environmental impact. It is our unspoken promise to our artisans and customers alike to continue to use natural resources and create a product of the highest quality. Craftsmanship and design run proudly through the veins of our brand.

Environmental Sustainability

Vaishali S primarily believes in the idea of going back to the old, and the 'simpler ways of living'. Our founder's upbringing, coupled with her natural direction towards minimalistic production have become a manual for us to follow. Not an inch of fabric goes to waste within our production unit, and we ensure that by using only materials of the best of quality, we improve garment longevity, and push forward the 20 year old principle of sustainability that we have been carrying forth.

Social Sustainability

Vaishali S Couture consistently focuses on elevating the status of weavers across the country, empowering and enabling them to make informed choices that progressively and sustainably enrich their lives. Since 2001, Vaishali S has adopted over 3000 families across India, aiming to support them and create a society that will guarantee their livelihood for the years to come. We've also added additional priorities to engage women into our supply chain, and support our own.

Our Weavers

In the last decade, we can proudly say that VAISHALI S Couture has become a modern window into the world of Indian luxury craftsmanship. Since 2001, we have explored the Indian states of Assam, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka and rediscovered over 15 different weaving techniques. We wish to continue this journey to discover all the hand­weaving traditions of India and the World.

Our Weaves and Textures

We at VAISHALI S Couture take pride in the fact that each one of our fabrics is thoughtfully engineered by our creative director. Only through textiles woven by hand we are able to create different intricate motives and patterns. Furthermore, we actively work on cutting down our supply chain to allow our weavers to be paid above the norm and give them respect, personal interaction, and recognition.